Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Elections - The right way should be...

Hi to all the common people of India, 

Today i want to share my views about the politicians, elections and the selection of the politicians according to voting done by us all. Politicians before the elections are like the innocent Pets who just want love and food

 They promise the people that they'll take care of all our problems, will fulfill all our basic needs, will develop and update the poor economy of India IF only we, the people of India will vote for them.
 Why all these promises are done on conditions?

Alright, the condition is right, if the person is selected because of the votes given to him, then only he will have the Permission/POWER to change the world or at-least doing all those things which they promised before the elections.
But, sadly the politicians of India are more concerned about the money they will be making after wining the votes of all the people who have hopes and dreams that the man they have selected will do all the things he promised. They are more concerned about the POWER they will get after winning because with the help of the power they can make more and more money more easily.

Nowdays politicians concentrates on how to take votes of the common man by promising them their basic needs. For the votes they can behave like they are so down to earth, wise, understanding.

 In today's India, politicians despite of taking tension about the development of India, take more tension about the opposition parties.


 So i have a suggestion for the government....

The question should not be Who will win the elections?

The question should always be HOW the candidate will develop India and its citizens to a better future.
Now when all the candidates will write HOW, these written letters should be published in all the local newspapers which can be read by all the indian citizens because they have the right to know what the man can and will do for its nation/state/ territory and on the basis of these written proofs, citizens will elect their candidate.
When a candidate will win in a election. the promised letter written by him should be taken and see what he has done or been doing for its nation. This will decrease the percentage of Corruption in India.

 THINK ABOUT IT.........we(Common people/Indians) can change the world.....

 We can stop corruption. JAI HIND